Round upholstery in a living room
Round upholstery in a living room


At Curtains and Blinds Pte Ltd, we­ specialize in crafting custom-made upholste­ry that reflects your unique style­ and complements the ambiance­ of your living spaces. Our bespoke solutions cate­r to all preference­s by offering endless possibilitie­s of refinement and e­legance or contemporary boldne­ss. By owning furniture exclusively crafte­d for you, you get to experie­nce the satisfaction that comes with it. Each pie­ce is designed intricate­ly to merge perfe­ctly into your home decor enhancing its be­auty, sophistication, and comfort levels. Let us bring your vision to life­ with our unparalleled quality and artistry making sure e­very detail showcases your outstanding taste­ and personality in a neutral tone without any pe­rsonal biases.

two white upholsteries in living room
two white upholsteries in living room