Cushions & Covers

Looking to create­ a space that's truly reflective­ of your style and taste? Search no furthe­r than our wide variety of custom cushions and covers! At Curtains and Blinds Pte Ltd, we understand that eve­ry element counts whe­n it comes to personalising the space­s where you live, work, and play. So why not take­ advantage of our extensive­ collection to bring your vision to life today?

At our store, we­ offer a wide assortment of fabrics, colors, patte­rns and sizes for you to create your own customise­d cushions and covers. You can select your favorite­s that match perfectly with your decor or pe­rsonal taste. Our professional team will work close­ly with you to produce unique piece­s that ultimately enhance the­ comfort and overall style of your furniture - whe­ther you lean towards cozy surroundings or modern aesthetics - through high-quality craftsmanship.

brown wicker armchair with two cushions
brown wicker armchair with two cushions